Hello. Mondays. Ahh. THE WORSE DAY OF THE WEEK. Thank god Friday's a public holiday this week. :) Might have to go to Penang and miss ballet! :(
School today was ok.
Tuition was canceled today. Mhmm.
What's wrong with me? This year is so horrible! Ah, can't wait to just get this year over with. - ok, maybe I'm being dramatic. So it isn't THAT bad. But it's bad. Worse than last year. FER SURE. But I guess that normal and I just got to deal.
It's only the fourth month of the year, another eight months to go. Who knows, maybe along the way it'll get better, right? :)
I realise my posts now are mostly rants about how awful my life is going.
From now on, it's all gonna be rainbow skittles and fluffy cotton candy clouds sorta posts.
Rantings are only allowed if absolutely NECESSARY. :)
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