Sunday, April 26

Days go by.

Sundays. sigh. I use to love Sundays... but now its just full of

"OHMYGOD, there's school tomorrow!" :(

So that just ruins my Sunday. phfch. I just got back from playing tennis with the family.

I need to go out with friends. Pronto. I'm gonna have a breakdown soon at how much I despise Sri Garden and how much I miss Hartamas. Well, I mean Sri Garden's fine and all, but it doesn't feel... right. You know? sigh. I've been giving mummy hints that I wanna go back. But she doesn't seem to budge. sigh. I guess it'd be different anyway even if I go back. I wouldn't fit in no more. I DONT FIT IN ANYWEHERE. Homg. lol.

I'm off to have a long cold shower. BYE.

TwitTwit :)

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