Yaw's, readers :) I haven't updated a lot lately, I mean phfsh, with PMR coming up and all do you seriously think I'd be updating a lot? :p Haha. Nah, that's not the actual reason. I've just been lazy. You'd think I'm too busy studying to update, but naw. I'm on the net just as much these days... okay, that's a lie. But hehs :) I've been tweeting, dailyboothing and tumblr-ing MUCH MORE than blogging. Blogging just takes too much time. Sorryz, yaw.
So raya's been great. I guess. In a way, uhuh, yeah. (y)
Duit raya's a HUGE let down, but whatever. It ain't important right? 0:)
Will not update till PMR's over. 14 more days to PMR. WHOOP. I seriously don't know why they can't just make it monday-friday one shot. UGH. So stupid.
Autobots roll out! :D
Wednesday, September 23
Wednesday, September 16
Postcards from far away.
Ello, ello. So PMR in um 20 days. WOOH. How exciting :p Jyeahh. Today for some reason I had an urge to learn a new song on the piano, but I had to do with all that I could to fight this urge cause, I SHOULD BE BLEEDING STUDYING. Hehhs. Well, that’s all. I just wanted to tell you people that :p
X. :)
Sunday, September 13
Blue moon.
Hello, hello :) PMR is in about 24 days or so. How exciting! Grr. I'm beyond scared at this moment but yet I have to admit, I seem pretty calm about it. Maybe the idea of PMR in 24 days hasn't quite settled in my mind yet. Lol. I need major help! I NEED TO BE ABLE TO FAST AGAIN. Since I can't fast now, when I get hungry I eat chocolates! Like lots of them. I'mma gain weight man. Shit :( So anyway, yesterday I had school and surprisingly, I went! Bangga. Lol. It was okay. Didn't learn much from the seminars. SORRY. I just have very little attention span. So all I did was laugh and talk with Aisha. Angela actually payed attention. Grr. After the seminar, I went straight to Aiyah's house. Met up with her and Aza cause we wanted to check out each others trial papers. Aza only brought 4 papers! I really wanted to see the science one, but she didn't bring it >:\ I was damn hungry over at Aisyah's, so she offered Mentos and Baskin Robbins sweet. Hahaha. I went back from her house around 6 something then off to Muhibbah, Taman Tun to break fast with all the cousins. It was fun. After dinner I went to KTJ cause my brother wanted to follow Farith go see Alya/Alia (?) perform. But we were too late, she dah perform. And, might I add, KTJ IS FRIGGIN AWESOME. The dorms and stuff, damn cool. :O Lol. Anyway, I really should be logging off now and STUDY. Byeee :)
Thursday, September 10
What more can I say?
I draw smileys to remind me to be happy.
I draw heart shapes to remind me love exists.
I draw clouds to remind me not to be scared to dream.
I draw rainbows to remind me even after a rainy day, the sun will still shine.
But then I catch myself writing your name.
What does that mean?
Ello peopleeee. School today wasssss... hard to explain. Never mind. Lol. Anyway, whats new, Nana? Ohhh, nothing much. Grr. Anyway, I honestly don't have anything to blog about! Grr. I'm sorry. GOODBYE, loves. :)
PMR in 26 days. WHOOP!
p/s: Can I please hug you? :(
GAH. I'm back. Sorry, it's so stupid of one to publish a post with stupid ramblings and "I DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO BLOG ABOUT" crap. OKAY. So, um, yeah. I'mma try to make this more... longer? Or whatever. Grr. Shut up. I did history just now. So bleh. I'mma continue after this post! I GOT TO STUDY! Cause, I need to show Katrina that I was right! KATRINA AND EVERYONE ELSE ! Hehs. So currently chatting with Arif and Aisha and Jon. Whatever lah, screw it. BYE :)
I hate you. I hate you. I swear. Ugh.
Please do cheer up. Thank you.
Monday, September 7
Why should you think about it?
Ello, ello. So this couple of days, I've been slacking on the studies. BUT, by tomorrow, I'm up and ready to start my studying routine once again. Damn. 4 days.. wasted. Shit man. School today was okay. I want pizza for buka. Ugh. Maybe I'll order it later or something. Yes? Definitely. Anyway, I should really be heading off to shower! BYE.
P/s: I'm giving up on you.
Helloooo. Just finished studying. YES. I'm studying now. Thanks to Katrina :D We made a deal. She shall give me money for every A I get for PMR. ;) 5 sens per subject mannnn. That's A LOT. But, she told me I shouldn't spend it all on one thing, nanti I become muflis.
I am her sensei and she is my young grasshopper. :D
P/s: I'm giving up on you.
Helloooo. Just finished studying. YES. I'm studying now. Thanks to Katrina :D We made a deal. She shall give me money for every A I get for PMR. ;) 5 sens per subject mannnn. That's A LOT. But, she told me I shouldn't spend it all on one thing, nanti I become muflis.
I am her sensei and she is my young grasshopper. :D
Saturday, September 5
The purple dinosaurs.
Helllo! :) So I'm currently watching Sex and The City. :D Have been for likeee two days now. I finished past year papers for science. Tonight I'll start doing history. Grr. Lol. Okay, uh I haven't been going online lately. SORRY. Bye.
Thursday, September 3
Stuck on a boy.

Ello there.
So, today was pretty okay. But was extra tired somehow in school. Must have talked/singed/shouted way to much :) I studied a bit while watching Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist and Angus, Thongs and the Perfect Snogging. Both I've watched before. Lol. Just wanted some company while doing my work, ya know? Lol. Had briyani for breaking fast. Sedap! :D Anyway, my results as I said in my previous posts, are BLEH. Kill me.
Anyway, more about the movies I watched, well, I absolutely LOVE Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. I swear, it's like my favorite movie this year yet. It's just such an "Aw" movie! Plus, the soundtrack is exquisite! To anyone who hasn't watched this movie, GO WATCH IT. Seriously. I like the whole concept of the band, "Where is Fluffy". It's just so, wow. Lol. :)
32 more days, people. :)
Wednesday, September 2
You know I read it in the magazine.
Hello, hello! :)
I got practically all my marks already. Except History. The marks are likeeeee holy mother of mermaids bad. Sigh. But it's okay lah, I think. I mean.... -silents-.
Anyway, today was bleh. I sang too much of Sweeney Todd till I got so tired in class. Mega lol. I wanna bring you to a journey through my mind. Okay? Great :)
"Mhmm. I should study. Yeah, I should. Okay. OH WAIT. I should shower first. Yes. -five minutes in the showers-, Mhmm. I should get out now. Nah. -15 minutes in the showers-, I'm getting all bleh, I should get out. Mhmm, five minutes lah. -half an hour in the showers-, Ok, I'm all done. -puts on clothes-, Oh! I wanna use my mask today. Mhmm 15 minutes? Okay. Maybe I should study while the mask is on? Nah. Later lah. No, no. I should study. -takes science book-. Okay, -first question-. -second question. -third question-. WOW look at that! A cat on my roof. -puts down the book and goes to the window-. Hahaha. Sucha stupid cat. Now, where was I?...... OH my mask. It's done... "
Okay, basically what I'm tryna show here is, how my mind can't concentrate :( Always get sidetracked. I need my tuition ! But noooo, for bulan ramadhan, it's canceled. Only on Saturday and Sundays for bloody 5 hours. Ughhh. DIE. DIE. DIE.
HEHEE. Expect me to blog again today. :)
I got practically all my marks already. Except History. The marks are likeeeee holy mother of mermaids bad. Sigh. But it's okay lah, I think. I mean.... -silents-.
Anyway, today was bleh. I sang too much of Sweeney Todd till I got so tired in class. Mega lol. I wanna bring you to a journey through my mind. Okay? Great :)
"Mhmm. I should study. Yeah, I should. Okay. OH WAIT. I should shower first. Yes. -five minutes in the showers-, Mhmm. I should get out now. Nah. -15 minutes in the showers-, I'm getting all bleh, I should get out. Mhmm, five minutes lah. -half an hour in the showers-, Ok, I'm all done. -puts on clothes-, Oh! I wanna use my mask today. Mhmm 15 minutes? Okay. Maybe I should study while the mask is on? Nah. Later lah. No, no. I should study. -takes science book-. Okay, -first question-. -second question. -third question-. WOW look at that! A cat on my roof. -puts down the book and goes to the window-. Hahaha. Sucha stupid cat. Now, where was I?...... OH my mask. It's done... "
Okay, basically what I'm tryna show here is, how my mind can't concentrate :( Always get sidetracked. I need my tuition ! But noooo, for bulan ramadhan, it's canceled. Only on Saturday and Sundays for bloody 5 hours. Ughhh. DIE. DIE. DIE.
HEHEE. Expect me to blog again today. :)
Tuesday, September 1
That kinda guy.

It's always the funny and nice guys.
I've always had a thing for these kinda guys, ya know. The nice but funny and good friend. But this ones a bonus since he's bleedin hot!
I nak :)
But hey, I'm in no rush. I'll wait right her till that kinda guy comes my way. :D
Okay, now I'm just crapping. Sorry, it's like 12 o'clock now and I'm feeling sooo happy. Which is odd since I just got my horrible results earlier today. It's just something about watching love stories that gives me hope. Not necessarily in the whole love thing, but everything. Gah. I'm sounding to clique. Lol.
I simply can't.
Crying shame.
Ello there.
So, today was supposedly SG's merdeka celebration day but, we didn't celebrate shit, instead we stayed in class and got our Trials results. THE HORROR. I mean, honestly, I knew I did horribly for this trials cause for some reason everything I hate came out. Which, you may think is badluck but I take it as GOOD LUCK cause now I understand how to answer all these things AND I now know that I should not ignore the chapters I hate. HAHA. Anyway, I cried in class today. Yes, ME, crying! In public. Hahaha. And of all reason why I cried, it was cause of ENGLISH. Yes. English. Wth. I apparently screwed up the essay by writing a report with WRONG percentages and shit. My english teacher was like,
"Did you even read the pie chart?! What were you, HIGH?".
Ugh. It honestly wasn't my fault. Ok, so maybe my careless mistakes has gone too far this time. But, hey, I now know that I shouldn't be too over confident with english. I shall be 10x more careful in PMR, this I can promise you.
I got horrible results for science too. Not really surprise. But, I can't believe I got that much mistakes in Paper One! Which I found easy. Bleh. I'll go through the answers later. My paper two was as I expected. I left out a lot of questions cause they were stupid form two stuff that I hate. Digestions. Grr. Ah well, I shall put more time on that! :)
I got my blogging mojo back! I guess all I needed was a new look for my blog :p
Hello. I'm here again. After a long shower. An hour to be exact. Had lots of time to think. Plus, the water was bleedin' hot. So yeahh. I have made a conclusion that the amount I'm putting in to study isn't enough. I need to study MORE. So, in conclusion, I'm only gonna allow myself to go online at night. Which is after I studied and shiz. But, I don't really mind to sleep late being online as long as I've studied in the evening. So in other words, I'm sacrificing my sleeping time for my computer time. :\ Which is pretty stupid, but yeah. Oh, and my onlining time only begins around 10. Cause that's the appropriate time for me to sleep. HA HA. :)
Sigh, there hasn't been tuition in so long. The whole fasting thing is really getting in the way cause my tuition starts at six and ends around ten. But, now since I have to break my fast and stuff, ... bleh.
X. again.
So, today was supposedly SG's merdeka celebration day but, we didn't celebrate shit, instead we stayed in class and got our Trials results. THE HORROR. I mean, honestly, I knew I did horribly for this trials cause for some reason everything I hate came out. Which, you may think is badluck but I take it as GOOD LUCK cause now I understand how to answer all these things AND I now know that I should not ignore the chapters I hate. HAHA. Anyway, I cried in class today. Yes, ME, crying! In public. Hahaha. And of all reason why I cried, it was cause of ENGLISH. Yes. English. Wth. I apparently screwed up the essay by writing a report with WRONG percentages and shit. My english teacher was like,
"Did you even read the pie chart?! What were you, HIGH?".
Ugh. It honestly wasn't my fault. Ok, so maybe my careless mistakes has gone too far this time. But, hey, I now know that I shouldn't be too over confident with english. I shall be 10x more careful in PMR, this I can promise you.
I got horrible results for science too. Not really surprise. But, I can't believe I got that much mistakes in Paper One! Which I found easy. Bleh. I'll go through the answers later. My paper two was as I expected. I left out a lot of questions cause they were stupid form two stuff that I hate. Digestions. Grr. Ah well, I shall put more time on that! :)
I got my blogging mojo back! I guess all I needed was a new look for my blog :p
Hello. I'm here again. After a long shower. An hour to be exact. Had lots of time to think. Plus, the water was bleedin' hot. So yeahh. I have made a conclusion that the amount I'm putting in to study isn't enough. I need to study MORE. So, in conclusion, I'm only gonna allow myself to go online at night. Which is after I studied and shiz. But, I don't really mind to sleep late being online as long as I've studied in the evening. So in other words, I'm sacrificing my sleeping time for my computer time. :\ Which is pretty stupid, but yeah. Oh, and my onlining time only begins around 10. Cause that's the appropriate time for me to sleep. HA HA. :)
Sigh, there hasn't been tuition in so long. The whole fasting thing is really getting in the way cause my tuition starts at six and ends around ten. But, now since I have to break my fast and stuff, ... bleh.
X. again.
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