Monday, September 7

Why should you think about it?

Ello, ello. So this couple of days, I've been slacking on the studies. BUT, by tomorrow, I'm up and ready to start my studying routine once again. Damn. 4 days.. wasted. Shit man. School today was okay. I want pizza for buka. Ugh. Maybe I'll order it later or something. Yes? Definitely. Anyway, I should really be heading off to shower! BYE.


P/s: I'm giving up on you.


Helloooo. Just finished studying. YES. I'm studying now. Thanks to Katrina :D We made a deal. She shall give me money for every A I get for PMR. ;) 5 sens per subject mannnn. That's A LOT. But, she told me I shouldn't spend it all on one thing, nanti I become muflis.

I am her sensei and she is my young grasshopper. :D

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