Monday, December 28

I wish you on a falling star, wondering where you are.

So hello there :) Probably NO ONE reads this blog anymore, but, not the point. Anyway, there's about a week left of the holidays. This friday will be a whole new year. Not looking forward to it.

So how did I spend my holidays?
  • Watched A LOT of TV series. Like 90210, Grey's, GG, SKINS!, One tree hill! :D, and ... HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. Hell yeah. :) and others.
  • Went out... a lot. Mostly OneUtama.
  • Got ice cream from Hazim (y)
  • Watched lotsa movies :)
  • Shopped.
  • Decorated my room.
This year was... okay. Just okay.

I'm still gonna be in SG next year :\ Kinda bums me out actually. Wanted to change schools.

What am I doing for New years?

NO IDEA. Great.

On another note, I need to buy stuff like ,
  • Molskine
  • New paint brushes
  • Felted pens of different sizes and colors
  • New watercolor
  • Sling bag
  • Some clothes
  • school stationary

OH and school uniform.


I'm done here. BYEEEEE.

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