Wednesday, December 9

What's the difference, doc?

Okay, so today I'd like to blog about the word love.

I'm just wondering what IS the difference between friendship love, family love, and.... love.

Don't they all mean the same? Love. A feeling you feel towards another. Frankly, I love lots of people then. All my close friends, family.

So when you're in a relationship and one says, "I'm only gonna say I love you when I mean it... till now, I like you", doesn't make sense to me, to be honest. I mean, you guys are in a relationship so that probably means you've known each other for awhile being friends. And I'm sure even before you guys got together you loved one another. In maybe a friend way. Whatever that means.

So what I wanna know is, what's the big deal with saying LOVE?

And, I think it isn't hard to find love. Cause frankly you can love anyone it's just the matter of whether you want to or not.

I think I now know the meaning of,

"You love her, she loves you, so whats the matter?!"

"Sometimes, I guess, love isn't enough".

Hope this gets you all thinking.


(Random post for today. Sorry. )

I'd like to hear what YOU think about this.

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