Okay, so I wake up and see these white things on the wall and look up an my wall up there is like cement. Wtf :\ It's due to my walls crying too much. Haha. No, seriously. It's like leaking. Oh well. What a good way to leave my room.
So I'm leaving tonight and I haven't packed shit nor have I bought the things I may be needing over there. But at least my iPod's charged. But at times like these is when I wish I had a MacBook rather than an iMac. :( I still have no idea why I decided to buy an iMac instead of a MacBook. Whatever. Lol. It's pretty! I've chipped the sides a bit though. BY ACCIDENT. My heart literally stopped and I thought I would die that second- okay exaggeration much. :P Okay, so there's a bucket to catch the falling water, and it sounds like those unclosed tap, like, drip, drip, drip and its making me feel like I wanna pee! :( I woke up early today. Which is 9 thanks to Azim who bbmessengered me. My phone just wouldn't stop vibrating! First it was Aisha with her two calls and text this morning, then it was the calendar notifying me some birthdays and shit. Then it was Azims bbm then it was FB emails. I was like STOP VIBRATING FOR GOD SAKES. And for each thing it vibrates twice! So, wow.
Today's actually cross country, but I'm too lazy to go + mom doesn't let me and I'm not in the mood? BUT IM SO SORRY GREEN HOUSE. If it wasn't for my mom I would still have gone btw. Regardless of my laziness. Sorry green house. Hope you guys do great.
MSSKL tennis is coming. D: Don't feel like playing underneath the hot hot sun and melting. :D But I'm quite excited. Whaaa? lol.
Anyway, to everyones who'll be going to Paramore tonight, HAVE FUN :D
Now I have to figure out what the hell to do in the plane for 14 hours :\
Sigh, I really wish I had a laptop to kill time at the airport or whatever.
Anyway, GOODBYE. Will be back in two weeks+
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