Now, this is an american classic. A book every kid should read. Another bildungsroman story. What does bildungsroman mean? Its just a word to describe a coming of age story. Now, this book pretty much sums up a teenager. It's filled with confusion, angst, sexuality, alienation, and rebellion. Which best describes teenagers, right?
This book was written in the 50's and it is about a teenage boy name Holden Caulfield whom decides to rebel. Now this book has been debated on whether or not it is suitable for young readers due to its profanity and portrayal of sexuality and teenage angst. In the story, Holden also duels in finding who he really is and where he stands in this world.
It was weird actually reading this book, because I could relate so much to the main character, Holden. The feeling of not belonging and the endless thought of just giving up.
To sum it up, it's a really good book to read.
"I feel sorry as hell..." to the people who did not read this as they were growing up.
(The quoted phrase is a phrase used A LOT by the main character in this book)
...oh and he also calls everybody a "phony". And I do mean EVERYONE. Fine, most.
The language used in this book is very .. relatable. Quite a few vulgar words here and there, though. Haha.
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