Sunday, October 10

Somethings wrong with me.

I read, hear people write, talk about how they love their life and how they want time to stop so they can just stay where they are and i'm like w t f. I'm jealous of these people. These people who are so content with their life they wouldn't mind just. staying. there. Me? I'd do anything for time to pass by quickly. Sigh. I'm so confused for next year. Am I changing schools? Am i gonna start to study? jhgfdsrewij! Thinking about the future stresses me. Thinking about NOW stresses me out even more! I don't like where I am right now and I want time to pass quickly to a time where I would want time to stop. I'd like to just "go with the flow", which is what I've been trying to do but, I just simply can't. I find myself asking so many questions and wondering about things I know I shouldn't if I wanna just "go with the glow".

Sigh. Suck it up, Nana. You're just... going through a slump? :\ Haih.

2011, I pray to god you'll be better. Or.. maybe after finals, everything will turn out to be okay?

-But see thats the thing. Nothing significant happened to me that would make my life not okay. Like death of a family member, or anything. Nothing is bad. In theory, my life should be just dandy. But yet I feel so miserable.

Everything's okay. So why don't I feel okay?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DUDE! I FEEL THE EXACT SAME WAY! high 5 man! i knw its not something you would want to high 5 but still the fact that i found a friend which is in more or less in the same sit. is super cool :D .. talk to me anytime :) friendly neighbor - NASH.. were not technically neighbors but we live in the same country it still counts :D