Monday, May 11

The game we can't cheat in.

Ever played the Goosebumps book game? You know the one where you read the situation and at the bottom of the page you get to choose what you wanna do next? And it'll be something like this;

a) Jump on the flying monkey. (Go to page 19)
b) Try to escape. (Go to page 90)

Yeah. And every choice you make, determines whether you die or live at the end of the book.

I guess, life is pretty much like this book. Every decision you make in your life determines who you'll be in the future.

Rich or poor, Happy or sad, Successful or not, etc.

Thus, always take your decisions seriously.

You see, we all know this. But yet, we take it so lightly.

I know my PMR is coming, but I'm not studying! As much as I know that this exam determines what stream I take in Form 4. Sigh.

Help me, for devils are whispering in my ear constantly.

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