Tuesday, August 31

Proficiency in English.

English. Some are fluent in english and others, not so. But I think it's wrong for people to discriminate people with bad english. Just because you're better in english doesn't mean you're any better of a person. I read peoples formspring and when a person with bad english asks a question the owner of the formspring will reply with such mean remarks on the persons english. The fact that you are better in english do not mean you have the rights to discriminate them. Because there are much more people with better english than you yourself. If you wanna correct their mistakes, fine. No need for, "Nice english.", "Where'd you learn your english?", etc. It may seem like i'm being a hypocrite for writing this, for I have probably done all of them above, but I'm here to say I've come to realise this and no more will I do it. Cause I see it's stupid and mean. Plus, my english isn't even good. So who am I to judge others? :)

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